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Do you need a hearing aid?
To answer the above question, ask yourself: is your hearing affecting your quality of life professionally and/or socially? Are you stressed or fatigued at the end of the day from the strain of listening? Have loved ones or friends commented that you don’t seem to hear as well as you used to (often when you’re hearing impaired, you’re the last person to know you have a problem). If you’re like most people, you’re concerned that wearing a hearing aid will make you look older. Remember that your hearing aids are much less noticeable than your constantly asking for things to be repeated! A visit to Yarmouth Audiology for a hearing evaluation will help you determine if you are a hearing aid candidate.
Okay so the answer is YES, what kind of hearing aid is best for me?
You’ll discover there is a wide range of hearing aid styles and technology available. Your lifestyle and listening demands will help determine which hearing aid technology will be a good value. The most advanced hearing aids are generally characterized by multiple channels and bands to shape the frequency response, noise reduction for listener comfort and multiple memories for different listening environments. Hearing aids can also include features such as directional microphones and telecoils that assist with hearing on hearing aid compatible telephones.
The style of hearing aid you choose will be influenced by how discreet you wish the hearing aid to be, your degree of hearing loss, and ease of manipulation. Common hearing aid styles include:
Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC): CICs are one of the smallest and most discreet hearing aids. However, since they are smaller you may have to give up features such as directional microphones and telecoils.
In-the-Canal (ITC): ITCs are just visible outside the ear canal. In some cases ITCs can accommodate a directional microphone.
In-the-Ear (ITE): ITEs can fit a wide variety of hearing losses and are one of the easiest styles to manipulate. It typically fills the entire bowl portion of the ear (concha).
Behind-the-Ear (BTE): BTEs consist of a unit that rests over the ear and the sound is directed to the ear canal through an earmold. Also fits a wide variety of hearing losses and is the amplification of choice for children.
Open Canal: Very small and discreet version of the BTE. Sound is routed to the ear canal via a non-custom thin tube and tip. A good choice for adults with high frequency hearing loss as keeping the ear canal open alleviates complaints arising from occlusion.
Can I get by with one hearing aid?
In most cases, wearing two hearing aids is better than one. The brain makes use of information from both ears to recognize speech. Two hearing aids promote better localization skills, which in turn helps speech recognition especially in noise.
What about digital hearing aids?
Digital technology in hearing aids has now been around for over 10 years. Nearly all new hearing aid fittings are with digital technology. Due to advances in technology, there are now a wide variety of levels of digital technology from affordable entry-level to the latest most technologically advanced.
What is the trial period?
Because it can take time to get used to your new hearing aid and decide if it’s useful, you’ll have at least 30 days for an adjustment period. You can return the hearing aids at the end of this time for a refund minus a reasonable fitting charge.
Extended Wear
Deep fitting, completely invisible, non-custom instruments that are worn 24 hours/7 days a week for weeks at a time. They are worn during all daily activities as well as while sleeping and showering. Our audiologists will review medical, lifestyle and ear anatomy contraindications before fitting the extended wear devices.
Remember, silence is not golden, it’s lonely!